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1He may not have chosen you in the girl-o-rama, but he's still your friend.
2The second incident took place twenty minutes before we started leaving Rama.
3To nobody's great surprise, it was clear that Rama must be hollow.
4Rama has now given proof that its propulsion system is still operating.
5That's the situation in Rama at the moment, but it won't last.
6Terror reigned in Lanka at the news of the approach of Rama.
7Rama was a prize worth any risk, short of a suicide mission.
8It therefore seems very unlikely that Rama has any strictly religious significance.
9Rama instructed us to sit in a circle in the living room.
10Then a space probe confirms the unthinkable: Rama is no natural object.
11All our new plans have assumed that Rama would be constantly lit.
12Inside Rama nineteen years have passed, but those years only pertain to-
13You have seen how the various biots maintain the surface of Rama.
14No rational person really believes that Rama will actually hit the Earth.
15He checked the radiation level, and found only Rama's very low background.
16So the world soon forgot about Rama; but the astronomers did not.